Consider the following declarations. (
Appendix )
Actor a = new Actor();
Bug b = new Bug();
Rock r = new Rock();
Critter c = new Critter();
Consider the following lines of code.
Line 1: int dirl = c.getDirection ;
Line 2: int dir2 = a.getDirection();
Line 3: int dir3 = b.getDirection() ;
Line 4: ArrayList<Location> rLoc = r.getMoveLocations();
Line 5: ArrayList<Location> cLoc = c.getMoveLocations();
Which of the lines of code above will cause a compile time error?
(A) Line 1 only
(B) Lines 2 and 3 only
(C) Line 4 only
(D) Line 5 only
(E) Lines 4 and 5 only