A common use of hexadecimal numerals is to specify colors on web pages. Every color has a red, green, and blue component. In decimal notation, these are
denoted with an ordered triple (x, y, z), where x, y, and z are the three components, each an int from 0 to 255. For example, a certain shade of red, whose red,
green, and blue components are 238, 9, and 63, is represented as (238,9,63).
In hexadecimal, a color is represented in the format #RRGGBB, where RR,
GG, and BB are hex values for the red, green, and blue. Using this notation, the
color (238,9,63) would be coded as #EE093F.
Which of the following hex codes represents the color (14,20,255)?
(A) #1418FE
(B) #0E20FE
(C) #0E14FF
(D) #0FE5FE
(E) #0D14FF