Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача . 37262


A program is to simulate plant life under harsh conditions. In the program, plants die randomly according to some probability. Here is part of a Plant class defined in the program.
public class Plant
        /** probability that plant dies, a real number between 0 and 1 */
        private double probDeath;
        public Plant(double plantProbDeath, < other parameters >)
            probDeath = plantProbDeath;
            < initialization of other instance variables >
        /** Plant lives or dies. */
        public void liveOrDie()
            /* statement to generate random number */
            if (/* test to determine if plant dies */)
           < code to implement plant’s death >
           < code to make plant continue living >
        //Other variables and methods are not shown.
Which of the following are correct replacements for
(1) /* statement to generate random number */ and
(2) /* test to determine if plant dies */?

(A) (1) double x = Math.random();
      (2) x == probDeath

(B) (1) double x = (int) (Math.random());
      (2) x > probDeath

(C) (1) double x = Math.random();
      (2) x < probDeath

(D) (1) int x = (int) (Math.random() * 100);
      (2) x < (int) probDeath

(E) (1) int x = (int) (Math.random() * 100) + 1;
      (2) x == (int) probDeath

time 1000 ms
memory 32 Mb
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