Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача . 37398


public interface Player
/** Return an integer that represents a move in a game. */
  int getMove();
/** Display the status of the game for this Player after
* implementing the next move. */
  void updateDisplay();

HumanPlayer is a class that implements the Player interface. Another class, SmartPlayer, is a subclass of HumanPlayer. Which statement is false?
(A) SmartPlayer automatically implements the Player interface.
(B) HumanPlayer must contain implementations of both the updateDisplay and getMove methods, or be declared as abstract.
(C) It is not possible to declare a reference of type Player.
(D) The SmartPlayer class can override the methods updateDisplay and getMove of the HumanPlayer class.
(E) A method in a client program can have Player as a parameter type.

time 1000 ms
memory 32 Mb
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