Consider this class for Question:
public class BingoCard
private int[] card;
/** Default constructor: Creates BingoCard with
* 20 random digits in the range 1 - 90.
public BingoCard()
{ /* implementation not shown */ }
/* Display BingoCard. */
public void display()
{ /* implementation not shown */ }
A program that simulates a bingo game declares an array of BingoCard. The array has NUMPLAYERS elements, where each element represents the card of a different player.
Here is a code segment that creates all the bingo cards in the game:
/* declare array of BingoCard */
/* construct each BingoCard */
Which of the following is a correct replacement for
/* declare array of BingoCard */ ?
(A) int[] BingoCard = new BingoCard[NUMPLAYERS];
(B) BingoCard[] players = new int[NUMPLAYERS];
(C) BingoCard[] players = new BingoCard[20];
(D) BingoCard[] players = new BingoCard[NUMPLAYERS];
(E) int[] players = new BingoCard[NUMPLAYERS];