Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача . F


The company employs several sales personnel to sell its products to different retailers.
Each branch of the company keeps track of its own sales with a suite of programs that include the two classes SalesPerson and Sales.
class SalesPerson // each object contains details of one salesperson
private String id;
private Sales[] salesHistory; // details of the different sales
private int count = 0; // number of sales made
//constructor for a new salesperson
public SalesPerson(String id)
// code missing
// constructor for a salesperson transferred (together with
// their sales details) from another branch
public SalesPerson(String id, Sales[] s, int c)
// code missing
public int getCount(){return count;}
public String getId() {return id;}
public void setSalesHistory(Sales s)
salesHistory[count] = s;
count = count +1;
public double calcTotalSales() // calculates total sales for the
// salesperson
// code missing
public Sales largestSale() // calculates the sale with the largest
// value
// code missing

(f) By making use of any previously written methods, construct the method highest(), that returns the ID of the salesperson whose sales have the largest total value.

time 500 ms
memory 256 Mb
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