Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача . 14-e


To improve customer satisfaction, a supermarket chain wants to create an object-oriented program
(OOP) to simulate the lines of customers at the check-outs in their point of sale (POS) system.
This point of sale (POS) system consists of several check-out counters. After filling their shopping carts with items, customers line up at one of the check-out counters. In most cases, they wait in line until it is their turn to pay.
Three real-world objects are implemented using the following classes:
Cart represents a customer together with the items they intend to purchase
POSline represents an individual check-out counter and the line of customers with carts
waiting at that checkout
POSsystem the overall check-out system

The UML diagram for the class POSline is provided below.
- String id
- boolean active
- Cart[] line
+ constructor
+ Cart getLine(int n) - returns the cart object at position n
… more accessor/mutator methods
+ void joinLine(Cart newCart) - adds a new cart object to the end of the line
+ void checkoutCart() - removes the first cart object in the line
+ Cart leaveLine(int n) - removes and returns the cart object at position n
… more methods

State the code fragment that instantiates an array line of 20 Cart objects.


time 500 ms
memory 256 Mb
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