Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача . 16-b


When the number of customers in the supermarket is low, some check-out counters will close. When there are many customers waiting, a new check-out counter will open.

(b) Construct the code for a method split (part of the class POSsystem), that takes an existing, non-empty POSline as a parameter. It should copy every second cart from  the original line into a new line. Afterwards it should delete every second cart from the original line.
An example call in POSsystem would be: POSline number2 = split(number1), where number1 is an existing POSline.
You may use any method declared or developed. [8]
As a result of the simulation, the company has decided to create a new POS system for their supermarkets.
There have been discussions about adapting existing open source code when developing modules of the new POS system.

time 500 ms
memory 256 Mb
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